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Brad Bamforth

Feral Freak The Sequel

Brad is a veteran actor having worked in multiple haunted attractions over the years. Since retiring from acting at the end of the 2012 season, he has dedicated himself solely to making Return Of The Living Podcast a success.

Jared Howell


Jared is a veteran actor having worked in multilpe haunted attractions. He worked his way up from actor to house director at the Baxter Avenue Morgue and has since gone on to help at other houses, sharing his experiences along the way. 

Corey Kirkpatrick

Doctor Blood

Corey is a veteran actor having worked in multiple haunted attractions. He was most known for his role as Doctor Blood at the Baxter Avenue Morgue but worked his way up to house director along with Jared. After leading the Morgue to a Best of Kentucky award in 2011, he moved on to share his knowledge at other places.

Larry McAtee

Mute Skiddah

Larry is a veteran actor having spent most of his time at Fear Fair playing the role of Mute Skiddah, a slider that launches himself at patrons by sliding at them on the ground. He still plays the role but is also the new casting director as well. He joined Return Of The Living Podcast in 2014 and heads up the team's video department.

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